TEDx 2021-22
2021-22 ABOUT
2021-22 SPEAKERS
TEDx 2020-21
2020-21 ABOUT
2020-21 SPEAKERS
TEDx 2022-23
2022-23 ABOUT
2022-23 SPEAKERS
TEDx 2020-21
2020-21 SPEAKERS
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the TEDxSacredHeartSchoolsAtherton event was mostly an online event.
Select any speaker to view their recorded talk and photos.
April 22, 2021
Our third and final event will be live streamed with a limited audience on April 22, 2021 with seven speakers and hosted by Alekos Kapur '21.
Harsimran K. Chohan
A Powerful Stabilizer: Personal Finance Education
Janie Morganroth
How the Psychological and Neurological Benefits of Group Exercise Fuels Our Global Fitness Community
Connor Fitzpatrick
The Saints Among Us
Anne-Sophie Lacombe Garcia
Out of the Tunnel
Armin Hamrah
Living Our Dreams: Lucid Dreaming As a Substitute For Real-Life Experiences
Selma O'Malley
A New Normal: Exoskeletons and Machine-assisted Movement
Adrian de Vernou
The Importance of Journalism & Writing with Regards to the Environment & Climate Change
February 3, 2021
The event was a live webinar with speakers recorded and available for live Q&A.
The recorded host was student Anne-Sophie Lacombe Garcia '21.
Harsimran K. Chohan
An Epidemic: A lack of Financial Literacy
Armin Hamrah
TED Talks or TikToks?: How Social Media Takes Away Our Humanness
Axel de Vernou
A Healthy Balance: Promoting Innovation and Mental Health for STEM Students
June 5, 2020
This event was fully recorded with host Lauren-Elize Roque '20.
Only the seniors participated due to time and constraints imposed by the crisis.
Dylan Huey
Social Media Changed My Life
Alan Kagiri
The Detriment of a Developing Monoculture: Rediscovering the Beauty that Lies in the Indigenous
Finn O'Kelly
The Story of a Raindrop, Spiritual Surfing and Protecting the Pacific
Please contact Scott McDade at
Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton
150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton CA 94027
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12